Have you been thinking about running your personal blog? But don’t know where to start or how to set up hosting for your website or how to choose website hosting services? Well, fear not, we have done some research and found some tips that can help you set up hosting for a website in the simplest steps.
Domain Name
The first step is to register a domain name for the website you are planning to run. Domain names are pointers of a particular IP address. For every website, a unique domain name is required. You can choose the name that you like as long as it’s available. There are times when you might think of a cool name but it’s already taken by someone else. So do check online for the availability of the domain name.
Once you have found the one you like, register it on your name. The average span for registration of the domain names is about one year. While choosing the domain names you have to choose an extension as well. It’s always a good idea to go with a .com address if you are trying to focus worldwide. If your focus is more towards a country, choosing the domain extension focused on that should be taken such as .in, .au, and so on.
Web Hosting
Once you have registered for a web hosting, it’s time that you go for a web hosting service. Hosting simply means online storage space for your website. If you don’t need a lot of fancy features, it’s a good idea that you go for shared hosting services. Shared hosting allows multiple domains to settle on a single hosting space.
Going for free web hosting is never a good idea since most of the features are locked in them and there is no guarantee of security of your data and backups are not available. If you lose your site on free hosting, chances are you’ll lose them forever.
You can always go for VPS or dedicated hosting if you need better features and more space for your website. These are great options for the future as well as your website grows. Always talk to the service provider support before you opt for their service. It’s a good idea to ask questions and clear doubts that you have prior to purchase. So, you don’t get confused once you have purchased it.
Once you are all set with the domain and hosting parts of the journey, it’s time to start publishing your content. Start thinking about the website. Ask your service provider for the control panel that will allow you to install services like WordPress. Once you have installed these you can start thinking about how you can design the website.
Creating the Site with Site Builder
A lot of hosting providers these days offer you site builders to design your website. Site builder are great for designing the site yourself especially if you don’t know web designing or programming. It allows you to save money since you don’t have to spend money on hiring a web developer.
Creating a Website with WordPress
There are multiple ways to install WordPress for your website. Either you can use the FTP service to finish the installation or install it through a control panel offered to you by your hosting provider.
Once you have all three things in place i.e. Domain, hosting, and design, you are ready to publish. Make sure to go through the best Web hosting services in India to choose the right one for yourself.
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