Taking care of the car and using maintenance products isn’t enough. The way you drive a car is equally important as well because if you do not drive safely, your car will undergo damage and you might get into accidents too. Car driving habits should be safe. Below are some of the driving habits which you should follow.
1- Do not cross the speed limit
This is perhaps the most obvious point but still, people are not mindful of this. Crossing the speed limit might get you to your destination earlier but it will always do more harm. Make a habit of driving between 45 to 55 km/h. If you cross 60 km/h, you will most likely waste fuel. Most of the road accidents occur due to this. It can also prove to be costly as well because you can get fined for not sticking to the speed limit.
Fuel efficiency and mileage will automatically decrease by increasing speed. The strain is applied to the car because the engine and other parts have to exert more force at high speed which is harmful. Therefore, always stick to the speed limit to protect yourself, your car and other cars on the road. Moreover, refrain from accelerating and decelerating frequently.
2- Do not use your phone
A lot of people are guilty of doing this at one point or the other. Some people do this frequently. Whether you are texting or calling, it can lead you to accidents no matter how much you try to refrain from it. Listening to a call while driving reduces brain activity by 37% which means that one does not remain as conscious on the road. So keep your phone away during the whole ride.
3- Check and recheck
Make sure that your car is in good condition before driving. Always check the oil and water levels and the tire pressure as these things are the most crucial. If the tires are not properly inflated, they will burst during driving. A study has revealed that 5-10% of fuel is wasted when tires get a decrease of pressure by 25%. And if the oil and water levels are not maintained regularly, friction will be produced in the car which will cause hindrance in driving. Therefore, keep an eye out for these things before going on long travels or after every fill-up at the petrol station. It is also important to check the wheel alignment regularly. Use the radial tires if you want a long tire life, better comfort and wish to save 3-7% of fuel.
4- Have a healthy engine
A well functioning engine can save 6% of fuel. Look out for bad signs which indicate the poor condition of the engine. For example, if the car emits black smoke, or the engine requires big amounts of oil and has poor pulling power, then get it checked as soon as possible. If you wish to save more, then use bi-metallic spark plugs as it conserves
1.5% of fuel.
5- Plan out your ride
Deciding your route beforehand will save you from stop-and-go traffic and rush hour which eat up a lot of the fuel. So if you pick out a less busy road, not only will you save fuel but you will be able to extract more mileage from every liter.
6- Use the correct gear
Remember to drive in the correct gear. While driving in the city, change to high gear. Inaccurate gear changing will lead to 20% more fuel usage.
7- Learn how to apply brakes correctly
An indication of a good driver is the beforehand planning of applying brakes and always on the lookout for stops. Slamming the brakes wastes fuel and converts useful energy into heat. Therefore, always anticipate the stops and apply brakes accordingly.
8- Leave the clutch alone
Loss of energy also occurs by keeping the foot on clutch frequently. It can also harm clutch-linings. So only use the clutch when you want to change gears. You should also not train the clutch and accelerator to remain fixed at a place as it wastes fuel.
9- Lower the load
While the present-day cars have a lot of cargo space, it is still not necessary for dumping an extra load on the car. Heavy load exerts strain and pressure on the car and it also uses a lot of fuel. Extra load also increases wind resistance which in turn results in higher fuel consumption. Therefore, cut down the unnecessary load off the car.
Following these car care tips will only do you good so make these your habits.
Stay tuned on writetogeather blog for more tips and news.
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