Quick Guide to Sell More On Black Friday and Cyber Lines

Two of the most important days for sales are coming: Blackfriday and Cyber lines. Virtually all sectors and industries want to take the opportunity to improve their income and reach more customers, opening the doors to the holiday season and the push that the holiday brings.

As the specialized site Oberlin reminds us, Black Friday is a date born in the United States, but it has expanded to the whole world, where regardless of the country, everyone seeks to offer incredible discounts once a year. Not only that, the success of Black Friday has expanded the occasion to take several days and even give rise to Cyber lines, a date with the same nature but applied to online stores.

Both dates have been taken the last two weeks of November with endless promotions left and right, how can your brand take advantage of the moment to reach the Christmas shopping season?

Below we have gathered several keys so you can get the most out of Black Friday and Cyber lines:

Think and design your offer:

Black Friday may be synonymous with the most important offers of the year, but it does not mean that you should reduce the prices of your store to the point of not receiving profit on a sale. Then, before making an “incredible” discount, ask yourself:

How much are you willing to reduce prices?

Are there other ways to reward your buyers without damaging your profit margin?

What products or services do you want to include in the promotions?

Is there a specific category of products or services that you want to improve in sales?

When we refer to other ways of rewarding, we talk about offering attractive alternatives for your buyers, which do not rely solely on reducing the prices of a product. Among those alternatives, Shopify recommends taking into account:

Deliver gifts or gift cards (if your business has them) for purchase in excess of a certain amount.

Offer discounts that are linked to the purchase of another product (if you buy X, we give you a 10% discount on Y).

For online purchases or products delivered after the day of purchase, gift delivery is very attractive.

Offers must have a thorough order

Once you have your offer idea, you must shape it through its terms and conditions. To do so, keep in mind the following recommended by Campaign Monitor

Set the start and end dates of each offer: yes, Black Friday and Cyber lines may be specific dates, but many businesses use all week to offer their discounts. Keep this in mind so as not to confuse your customers and make it clear when they can access your promotions.

Choose special conditions to access a discount: For example, can there be a minimum number of units to access a discount? This will make the offer more profitable for your business.

Do not include everything: not everything can be on offer, some products have a profit margin where applicable promotions can be unattractive during Black Friday or Cyber lines. For example, a jacket with a 5% discount will not look good in your store during the mentioned time.

Create exclusive offers for certain customers: in order to attract new buyers or retain old ones, you can create offers that can only be accessed by a specific group. For example unique promotions for new customers or loyal buyers.

Prepare your store

In the case of Black Friday, your store will be an important communication vehicle for your offers. Start with your showcase: you need to communicate to all passersby (whether in the street or inside a commercial center or passage), that you are actually applying the date offers to your store. Do not be afraid to put in your windows a message like “Black Friday is here!” Or “Find inside our Black Friday offers”

Inside your store, use the decompression zone (the first space where the buyer once crosses the door) to locate one of your most important products in promotion, along with an announcement that communicates that the discount is part of Black Friday.

On your premises, you relocate certain islands or sections so that the promotional products stand out. When it comes to labeling the new prices, be sure to create a visual detail that communicates that those values ​​are for Black Friday, so the buyer will have more in mind the occasion and the short life of the promotion.

Prepare your online store

When it comes to online shopping Cyber lines get all the attention. There are ways to prepare a simple digital strategy that attracts buyers by that date:

Design an email marketing campaign: As Shopify points out, email marketing is responsible for 25% of Black Friday’s online sales and 22% in Cyber lines. It is a really important push. To create a simple but effective campaign you must consider three tips:

Segment your email base. It is the best way to create more personalized communication, both with the message and with the promotion.

Use the keywords Black Friday and Cyber lines in email matters. But be creative, you will not be the only business with that strategy.

In your emails be direct with the promotion.

Put your social networks to work: regardless of the size and scope of your networks, Cyber lines is a time to take advantage and present new content of interest. Present your best promotions there, offer exclusive discounts through codes (if your e-commerce allows it), answer the questions that arise and, in general, be very graphic with the communication you use.

Create a special banner for your site: as soon as your users enter your digital store, they should find information that confirms that your brand is celebrating Black Friday and Cyber lines. Do it with an informational banner and, as in the case of a physical store, highlighting that the discounts are special for the date.

Finally, remember that Black Friday is also implemented in online stores and tends to combine with Cyber lines, so take advantage of both dates in your e-commerce.

As you can see, you should consider two great themes to sell more on Cyber lines and Black Friday: think about interesting promotions and communicate them correctly. It is a time to take advantage, but it also becomes more competitive, so do not forget to apply all these tips.

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