Online tutoring better than personal tutoring for SAT?

This is the most common question asked by students and parents alike. Which is better for preparation for SAT, online tutoring or personal tutoring. In fact, both methods have their own pros and cons. It is for you to weigh both based on your needs and decide which one will suit you or your child.

This article will evaluate the positive and negative aspects of online tutoring and personal tutoring for the SAT. At the same time, it is essential that you must obtain guidance from online tutors or personal tutors for SAT preparation. The SAT is a highly competitive exam and a high score will ensure that you get admission in the college/ university of your choice.

Advantages of Online Tutoring for SAT

Let’s have a look into the advantages of online tutoring for the SAT. Each point is elaborated for clearly conveying the idea for better understanding.

Variety of Teachers

Online SAT tutoring will present you with wide options of teachers. The tutors available with reputed online tutoring agencies have ample experience and expertise in the field. They will be expert in understanding each student and decide teaching method according to the student’s potential.

You can opt for a teacher from any region from any part of the world. This removes limitation regarding the selection of the tutors. The student can browse from the list of tutors and select the one, which he or she finds appropriate.

He or she can replace the tutors and continue SAT prep under the guidance of another one if there is difficulty in following the teaching method. Alternatively, trial classes also could be attended prior finalising the tutor. This helps the students to go with the tutor of their choice.

The teacher will help you in identifying your weak areas and implementing steps to overcome the flaws. With the experienced eyes of the tutor, it will be easy for him or her to instruct you suitable methods for SAT preparation.

Convenient Schedule

Majority of online tutoring websites and educational services offer flexible time schedules. You can select the schedule that suits you the best. There will be alternate time schedules also. Thereby, you can attend those classes even if you miss a particular class. Alternatively, you can discuss and fix a time for repetition of difficult sessions for SAT prep or those classes you missed.

Study Sitting at Home

You can study sitting at the convenience of your home. Such an option is vital during situations similar to the present one. The COVID-19 pandemic has locked us inside our home. However, SAT prep cannot be stopped. Online tutoring is a blessing during such a scenario, wherein you do not have to venture out into the public.

The SAT classes will improve your knowledge level and prepare you to attend the SAT exams. The social distancing and travel limitations will not hinder your SAT prep classes.

No Travelling

There are travel limitations implemented by governments to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The public transport system has been stopped. Further, it is not advisable to use the common conveyance in the near future. Online tutoring is the best in such a situation.

In addition, online tutoring helps you to avoid travelling long distances to and from the tuition centre/ academy. The travel may cause tiredness if the academy is located at a distance from your home. This will affect the revision of the SAT classes at home.

Disadvantages of Online Tutoring for SAT

Besides the pros, online tutoring for the SAT has cons too.

Physical Distance

Even though the teachers are experienced and experts, the physical distance from the student may affect proper communication. The student may not be able to understand formulas, theories and calculations that have complicated steps.

The tutor can easily guide the student standing close to him or her. The physical presence will help in effective communication.

However, online teachers have their own methodology to eliminate the issue due to physical distance. Everyone has commended the proper use of technological advancements by reputed online tutoring services to liquidate the issue.

Technical Glitches

Any technical defect can affect online tutoring. The issues may be pertaining to internet connectivity, defect of computer/ laptop/ tablet, electrical defect and so on. Although you may schedule a separate class for the subject portion, the technical defects can be problematic at times.

Advantages of Personal Tutoring for SAT

Physical Presence

The biggest positive aspect of personal tutoring for SAT possesses compared to online tutoring is the physical presence of the teacher. The students tend to study more efficiently when they are facing a teacher. The teacher can also monitor him thoroughly to prevent distractions.

The physical proximity of tutor and student is conducive in conveying theories efficiently. The student will also be more attentive during physical tutoring.

Understanding Student’s Mental State

We all are human beings and our mood will depend on various factors. A bad situation at home or school can turn the student moody. The physical tutor can assess the student’s mental state and undertake SAT tutoring accordingly.

The teacher can quote anecdotes or jokes to improve the mood of the student. A cheerful student can understand the subjects better. The teacher through an interesting topic will be successful in gaining his or her attention.

Easy Explanations

SAT classes have complicated theories and formulas for studying. The said portions will involve several steps. It will be easy for the tutor to explain and pass down the knowledge when he or she is physically present near the student.

Advantages of Personal Tutoring for SAT

Limited Option of Teachers

The students have to find the tuition centre near their home. This puts a limitation in the choice of the teachers. He or she will have to select the SAT tutoring centre from a limited number of institutions.

Non-Flexible Timing

The physical tutoring for the SAT will have a fixed timetable for classes. The student has to reach the institution at the stipulated time. Rescheduling a missed class is also very difficult more often than not.


The students will have to travel to the SAT tutoring centre. The travel time will be more if the student is staying at the outskirts of the city. AS a result, he or she will be tired after the SAT classes, affecting their studies at home.