3 Easy Available Foods That Can Help You To Grow Beard | WriteTogeather

Foods That Can Help You To Grow Beard

Growing a beard can be difficult for some people but still, everyone wants to grow a beard. While some can grow a thick beard without breaking a sweat.

Facial hair can be a sign of dominance, while not having a good looking beard can give you a feminine look. There are several factors that aid in the growth of a perfect beard. People who can’t grow their beard properly often suffer from low testosterone levels.

Nutrients like vitamin B and vitamin A are important for beard growth. Facial hairs are regulated by some important things like male hormones, DHT, and testosterone levels.

In order to grow a proper beard, you have to consume foods that can help in boosting these hormones. Foods like powdered bone broth, salmon, and beef are a good source of protein and biotin.

There are tons of foods that can help you in growing proper facial hair. Although if you are young and want a thick beard then it might not be possible yet.

Once you are going through puberty you will notice a few changes in your body. It is due to the hormonal changes that your body goes through. A growing beard is a part of it. Some might have patchy ones and while others won’t even have a single hair on their face.

The following is a list of foods that you should consume in order to grow a good looking beard. Depending on your hormones, you might not be able to a proper beard in a short time but with a good diet that contains the following foods, you will notice a significant change.


Nuts are very important for hair growth. The reason why they are so important is that they contain selenium which promotes better hair growth. There are several foods that contain selenium but consuming nuts like Brazillian nuts will give you a good amount of selenium.

There are several other nuts that you can consume in order to grow a better beard, but you should keep one thing in mind that these nuts also contain calories which can be harmful. So try to consume a small number of nuts every day.

Brazillian nuts contain more than 1900 mcg of selenium in 100 grams of nuts. Which is enough to give a good boost to your hair growth. There are other benefits of consuming nuts they can help in improving your bone health and skin health.


Eggs are a great source of testosterone boosting nutrients. Eggs contain protein and biotin, both of which are good for your health. Consuming eggs on a daily basis will help the growth of your beard. Eggs also contain cholesterol that helps in boosting the testosterone levels.

Protein helps in boosting the testosterone level of our bodies. This is why it is so important to consume foods that are rich in protein and biotin. Eggs can also help in promoting your digestive and mental health.

Consuming 4-5 eggs in a day will also help in weight loss and muscle gain.


Another good source of protein and saturated fats is beef. Red meat is a good source of these nutrients that help in the growth of a thicker and fuller beard. Apart from beef, consuming beef bone broth is also another way to get a good amount of healthy nutrients.

Bone broths are rich in collagen, protein, iron, and saturated fats. All of these help in improving your beard growth. Foods like these are good for various other things as well. They can help in improving your skin health as well.

Consuming beef will also help in preventing any skin related problems this is why red meat is so important for your health.


These are some of the foods that can help you grow a proper beard, one that is thick and fuller. Although there are a few other things that you should keep in mind. Apart from eating these foods you should also workout.

Lifting weights will boost the testosterone levels in your body. Studies have shown that people who lift weight are more likely to get fuller and thicker beards. So if you really want to get a proper beard then try to consume these foods and you will notice the change.

About Anna Smith 1 Article
Anna Smith is a fitness and health specialist offering advice on fitness and healthy living wisdom that she practices to keep looking healthy and attractive. She has been in the health and beauty field for 5-years. She’s an author, fitness expert, health professional and has studied and researched hundreds of books. Her knowledge of diets can improve health incredibly, and has helped numerous men and women transform their lives.

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