9 Food Items to keep in Your Pantry During this Quarantine

COVID 19 has been dominating news headlines. The outbreak is continuously spreading around the world.

The number of patients is continuously increasing all around the world. The government is requesting and sometimes strictly commanding the public to quarantine.

Keeping this in mind, today I come with an article suggesting you a few things you can keep in your pantry during this quarantine.

Here we are listing 9 essential food items you can keep in your pantry to support your health and lower your anxiety.

Keep vegetables on hand:

Vegetables you can keep can be either frozen, canned or even freeze-dried. They are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables. They will last a long time. You can use them with grain bowls or soups or just to dip in things that you have around the house.

Beans and Lentils:

These are other items among some of my favorites just generally. Because they are so good for you, but they also provide proteins.

If you have black beans, you can make a soup, you can take a dip, you can make chili with it. So many different things. And then you can jazz it up a little by getting some unusual beans. They taste a little different, they look different and they are delicious.

And the great thing about beans is they can be used as a base for any kind of meal. It can be used in breakfast with an egg on top, soup for lunch or just putting it together with some different vegetables for dinner.


Sometimes I prefer frozen berries just because they are delicious. You can take them and mesh them up and can put them on top of the nut butter sandwich. You can also prefer to freeze-dried fruits. They are crunchy and chewy and almost taste like sour candy.


Any kind of fermented food is going to support your gut health. It is also essential to keep you calm in anxious times.

Nuts and nut butter:

Nuts can offer you so many Vitamin b and multiple nutrients. Peanut butter only contains peanut and salt. There is no added sugar. You can directly eat it and feel good about giving yourself some great nutrition.

Canned tomatoes:

If you get the whole ones, you can either roast them whole slowly in your oven. They will become a chewy treat on top of your pasta. Or you can dice them up and make tomato sauce out of them. You can do a soup with these, you can do chilis with them. There are so many things you can do with it.

Whole grains:

It is most essential because they can be the foundation of any meal, any time of day or a snack.

You can prefer oatmeal. They are great with blueberries and you can also try it with peanut butter. It is also great with an egg on top and some parmesan cheese to make is a savory dinner.

Also whole

grain pasta is a great thing to have just lying around. And you can use your canned tomatoes to make a pasta sauce.

Olive oil:

You are going to be eating a lot of really great foods. Do not skimp on the olive oil. It will make all these things burst with flavor and shine. So make sure you have a good bottle of olive oil at home.


Honey lasts forever. It is a great thing to have around when you are at home and you need a little sweetness.


So these are some food items that will support you in your self-quarantine. Hope this article helps you.

Thank you and stay safe.