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This time, I would like to introduce “About” dyslipidemia” in which lousy cholesterol increases.”
Now the number one cause of “arteriosclerosis.”
“Dyslipidemia” is a symptom that extra lipids (such as cholesterol) increase above a certain level. It is a disease that was previously called “hyperlipidemia.” Abnormal lipids make it easier for blood vessels to become block, increasing the risk of various diseases.
The most worrisome situation is that arteries become stiff, and so-call”arteriosclerosis” is more likely to occur. Speaking of arteriosclerosis, the leading causes have been high blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking. However, in recent years, as dietary habits have become more westernized in the USA, “dyslipidemia” reports as the most significant cause of arteriosclerosis.
Furthermore, if dyslipidemia is left untreated, arteriosclerosis progresses with almost no symptoms, which may cause serious illness such as cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction.
I’m afraid that I have no subjective symptoms.
Dyslipidemia is a common symptom of muddy blood. However, this is unlikely to be a subjective symptom. Most of the patients with dyslipidemia are abnormal by the test values due to medical examinations. In most cases, they are pointed out by doctors and others to recognize the disease. Thus, there is a habit/desire to ignore” dyslipidemia” as a disease because it is shown number-based without actually experiencing the signs of sickness.
Thus, there is a habit/desire to ignore” dyslipidemia” as a disease because it has shown number-base without actually experiencing the signs of sickness. Is about 45%. You can see how dyslipidemia is left.
Increased risk of “myocardial infarction” and “cerebral infarction “!
However, if the fat-rich condition left unchecked, the disease will progress to “arteriosclerosis” without realizing it. Excess lipid enters the blood vessels and attaches to the blood vessels’ walls, creating a bump called a “plaque.” Then, the blood vessel loses elasticity and suppleness, and the inner side of the blood vessel becomes narrower, and it is difficult for blood to flow.
If some stimulus from that state further ruptures the plaque, a blood clot (a solidified piece of blood) will be formed, blocking the blood vessels, and “oxygen” and “nutrition” will not reach the tissues in the body. This is the fear of the so-called “arteriosclerosis”. When arteriosclerosis occurs in the coronary arteries, it becomes a “myocardial infarction “, and in the case of a cerebral artery, it causes a “cerebral infarction “. To prevent this, it is essential to treat dyslipidemia at an early stage.
Caused by “overeating” and “lack of exercise.”
Dyslipidemia, among the lipids contained in the blood,
(1) Wrong (LDL) cholesterol is too high,
(2) Neutral fat (triglyceride) is too large,
(3) Good: Bad cholesterol is too low.
It is Neutral occurs under the condition.
A good amount of “LDL” that carries cholesterol to the body increases and the amount of “HD
“That collects excess cholesterol decreases and extra blood flood in the body. This excess oil accumulates on the walls of blood vessels in a relatively short period and, as arteriosclerosis, alienates organs and tissues’ functions Super Vidalista enables lasting erections in men: The medication of Super P force is a top-quality drug that gives out effects for as long as fours in men. This enables a healthy performance by men during sexual activity.
The development of dyslipidemia is related to overeating, lack of exercise, obesity, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and stress. Among them, lifestyle habits such as “overeating” and “lack of exercise” have a significant impact. It says that lifestyle-related diseases cause about 80% of dyslipidemia. Also, a small number of hereditary factors call “familial hyper cholesterol” are list.
Blood tests confirm the (identification of a disease or problem or its cause) of dyslipidemia.
(1) LDL cholesterol level is 140 mg/Dl or higher
(2) HDL cholesterol level is lower than 40 mg/dL
(3) Triglyceride level of 150 mg/dL or higher
In fasting, blood diagnoses as” dyslipidemia,” I will Treatment generally begins with a “diet” and “exercise.” Diet
(1) Refrain from high cholesterol food
(2) Reduce the intake of sodium chloride
(3) Reduce the number of foodservice
(4) Bear in mind the well-balanced diet with increased vegetables as possible habits snacks Loss
(5) Be careful not to overeat
Then, take aerobic exercises such as walking and cycling into your life. It’s essential to start with what you can do and continue.
If your symptoms do not improve after a lifestyle change, you may be offered “medication” and diet and exercise. Take medicines that suppress the production of cholesterol and triglycerides and medications that promote the excretion of cholesterol.
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